Sales War Chest

Sales Resources that help you grow revenue in uncertain times

Do more with less

Difficulties are mastered, opportunities are won

How do you grow sales when the economic landscape is constantly changing?

The Sales War Chest gives you the information you need to grow revenue in uncertain times.

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Reach your sales goals with Magnify

Sales Insight Audit

Clarity is the antidote to uncertainty.

Avoid missed sales opportunities and grow sustainable sales.

Assess the health of your sales pipeline

Identify and reclaim missed opportunities

Plan for future growth

Outsourced Sales

Relax, we’ll do sales for you.

Let our team turn your sales around – without the FTE price tag.

Sales strategy

Sales systems

Sales professionals

Trade Shows + Conferences

Maximise your ROI at events

Set your team up to win more sales

On your stand

At Trade Shows and Conferences

At Expos and Events

Sales Set Up + CRM

We’ll set up your sales process so you’re ready to sell.

You’ve got the people to make the sales, we have the tools to get those people performing.

Sales strategy

Sales collateral

Sales systems

Sales Training

Sales are easier with a process in place.

Personalised sales training that helps you meet your revenue goals.

Learn proven sales skills

Have a repeatable process

Grow your revenue

How Sales War Chest began

A long time ago in an economy far, far away – a new virus invaded the earth. As the people scattered home to an uncertain future, commerce ground to a resounding halt. And suddenly – everybody went online.

Enter Sales War Chest.

Birthed in the March 2020 lockdown, forged in the grief of business owners rapidly pivoting, Sales War Chest delivers the sales resources you wish you had.

Expand your sales pipeline even in tough times.

Without having to employ a full-time sales professional!