It’s time to grow your sales

Get the business development manager you wish you had®
Magnify is your new competitive edge.

Hi, I’m Mary

founder and chief sales superstar at Magnify Consulting

We’re experts in building and keeping sales pipelines full of relevant opportunities,

Our business development expertise, and proven sales strategies and systems, enable you to generate consistent demand – because we understand that you need a healthy pipeline to be able to thrive.

For the past 7 years, we’ve worked with SME businesses with premium offerings and long sales cycles to unlock their potential with bigger clients so they can level-up and achieve their growth goals.

As your outsourced sales professionals, we bring back control, even in an unpredictable market where it’s difficult to recruit and retain salespeople. Working with Magnify means you share the load and, with sales no longer solely on your shoulders, you’re freed up to do what you’re best at.

On-demand business development

Turn on your sales taps

Grow sales without employing more staff

Risk-free sales expertise

SME business leaders are a well-networked bunch, but we’ve seen many businesses struggle to scale their sales beyond their current list of contacts.

How do you sustainably grow sales while you’re in the weeds of ‘business as usual’?

Tap into the expertise of an outsourced business development manager. You no longer need to hire (or train) a full-time sales professional to create a consistent sales pipeline and find new opportunities.


De-risk your sales recruitment and keep your business lean


Reduce the time before you start seeing sales results


Develop robust sales systems and processes


Open new doors


Grow your sales revenue

“We’re not a transactional business. Our services solve complex relocation problems. We need to build strong relationships and it often takes time for new clients to reach a decision. I’d recommend Magnify to other people with rapidly growing small to medium businesses who can’t be across everything themselves.”

Bridget Romanes, Principal, Mobile NZ

“Working with Magnify has allowed us to have someone on the ground in Wellington to represent us at events, and then help with our prospecting and setting up sales meetings. As a result we have managed to get a full sales funnel without me needing to put in all the leg work!”

Isaac Wilson, Founder, Litmus Datatech and Crowd Reader

Sustainable sales growth is achievable when you refine your sales strategy, and faithfully execute your sales process.

We’ve worked with countless businesses to right-size and rebuild decimated client lists with healthy and consistent pipelines, and achieve results these businesses never thought possible.

No more frantic scrambling to close more sales at the end of each month. Our clients can relax – knowing they’re on track to deliver on their revenue targets.

There are small, yet specific actions required to open up new opportunities and see sales success – we know what they are. Together, we’ve got this.

Here’s how we can help you


Understand where you’re starting from

Get expert insight into your current state of sales, with personalised recommendations and a sales plan for your business.


Take action to level-up

Choose from our ‘done with you’ or ‘done for you’ business development packages as you put your sales insights into practice


See your business grow

Balance the intentional work to grow a sustainable sales pipeline with the high-impact work you enjoy.

Who we’ve worked with

“Magnify’s implementation and management of HubSpot includes ongoing sales tasks to keep us on track. We’ve got sales documents we can re-use and the flexible business development takes the risk out of sales recruitment.
Thanks Magnify. Love your work! Beauty!”

Niki Johnstone, Managing Director, N2P Controls

“As a start up business that lacked skills and time to focus on our inbound leads – Magnify have lifted that from us and ensured our leads are nurtured and closed. Magnify’s customer service and reporting is thorough and outstanding.”

Debbie Haddon, Director, PlanRight